2024 – The Year I Discovered the Power of Listening

2024 was a year of many great learnings. One of the most profound realisations, though, came towards the end of the year while moderating a discussion on the book ‘Siddhartha’ by Herman Hesse… and that is: LISTENING IS WISDOM! Listening without interrupting, reacting, or judging, a skill that very few of us possess. It’s about fully understanding the other person’s perspective first and creating the space to think and respond thoughtfully at the right moment.

Listen Up: How Tuning In Changed My Life

Reflecting on the discussion later in the day, I realised that while it’s easier to listen to our mentors, teachers, bosses, or colleagues—people we hold in high regard—it can be much harder to listen to those who are close to us: our parents, partners, or children. Yes, our children can be wiser than we think. By truly listening to them, we not only make them feel valued and appreciated but also earn their genuine respect. Interestingly, I had this realisation through truly listening to my community members. 🙂 In my experience, listening to neighbours or others who are not so close to us—people we don’t spend much time with or may not always get along with—can also bring fresh perspectives to our existing challenges.

What a poor listener I was—I first had this realisation during a reunion trip with two of my closest school friends in the first quarter of 2024. Three months later, as I began training in Western vocals, my desire to improve my listening skills grew even stronger. It became clear that to be a good singer, I needed to become a better listener. What I didn’t anticipate, though, was that improving my ability to listen up and tune in would lead to breakthroughs in other areas of my life—health being the most important one.

Transforming Health through Listening

Some of us even struggle to heed the advice of our doctors, especially when their recommendations don’t align with our viewpoints. The health challenge I’ve been facing for over two years started improving only when I began to listen—not only to my doctors, but also to my partner, parents, and, most importantly, my own body.

Unlike my peers, I no longer push myself to hit the gym or count my steps every day. Instead, I walk only as much as my body allows and take breaks when I’m not well-rested. I do not follow rigorous yoga or strengthening sessions under trainers anymore; rather, I’ve created a personalised set of stretching and breathing exercises by listening to my body. Instead of dieting out of fear of gaining weight, I’ve embraced mindful dietary changes and Ayurvedic treatments to strengthen and nurture my body. As discussed in our Book Club meeting, ‘Wisdom lies in not competing with anyone.’

Strengthening Your Core: Healing and Becoming Stronger from the Inside Out

While these changes have helped me heal, what’s truly transforming my health is a powerful piece of advice I received by listening to a close friend: ‘Strengthen your core.’ Not just physically, but internally—to heal and become stronger from the inside out.

It’s about becoming unshakable, standing tall and firm like a mountain, rather than just scaling mountains. It’s about feeling so secure within yourself that you remain unaffected by criticism or unfavourable circumstances. It’s about playing your own game, rather than worrying about what others are doing—whether it’s in sports and fitness, work, or any other area. It’s about feeling happy not just for your own achievements, but also for the success of others. It’s about learning to value and respect yourself, instead of seeking validation from others.

Benefits Beyond Health

In this New Year, I’ve not set any big goals. My only resolution is to become a better listener and ‘strengthen my core’ in the true sense. I’ve already started implementing this and am beginning to see benefits that go beyond health—in my professional as well as personal life.

I’m also super excited to pen down a chapter titled ‘Shhh! I am Listening’ in my next children’s book (inspired by my health challenge) which I plan to begin writing this year. Through it, I hope to instil a simple, yet significant, value of listening in children from an early age.


If you want to gift such values to children to lead them to a brighter future, you can check our collection of books and activities here

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