Temper Tantrums & Mental Health of Kids at Home

With kids at home for a year now, their temper tantrums are increasing and many parents are struggling to manage them. Here are a few pointers that may be useful for us (parents) to ensure that we don’t cause more damage to their health and happiness…


Do not disrespect your child’s perspective or emotions 

It may seem like a small issue to you but for your child it means a big thing. Don’t say things like “why are you making fuss over such a small thing.There’s nothing to get so upset about.” They will end up rebelling or feeling more angry otherwise.

Do not tell your child how to feel

Don’t make comments like Don’t be angry,” or “Stop getting so upset!” They may cause children to get even more upset in response. In contrast, however, they frequently calm down when we parents simply help identify their feelings.

Do not lose your temper 

It’s important to model the behavior you want to see for your child. If you lose it and start yelling and throwing an adult-style tantrum of your own, your child will see this type of behavior as something that’s acceptable at your house.


Ask what’s wrong

Kids just want to be heard, and throwing a tantrum is often the best way they know how to express themselves. Taking your child seriously by asking what’s wrong and actually listening to the response can help. Hold your child and give them your full attention so they have time to explain.

Give clear explanations instead of just saying “no”

Many parents just say “no” and “because I said so” instead of explaining the reason why, but that’s frustrating for kids. You don’t have to give a long-winded explanation, but providing a reason for your actions will help the child make sense of things and feel more in control of the situation.

Help your child feel loved no matter what 

Sometimes kids throw tantrums because they just want some extra love and attention. Withholding love is never a good policy when it comes to disciplining a child. No matter what, your child should know that you love them no matter what. Hug your child and say “I love you,” even if you’re very frustrated with their behavior.

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