Time Story (A Comic and Activity Book)

Get your copy of our new comic and activity book – Time Story – to teach kids concepts, habits and most importantly, the value of time here!


In 2020, when families got locked in at homes due to Covid, children (including my own 6-year-old son) started procrastinating a lot more. Not going to school disrupted their daily schedules and parents across the world found it hard to get them to do even the smallest of tasks on time. Parents also struggled to manage their own time between work from home, household chores and handling kids’ school and other activities. 

When time battles increased in households and started impacting the happiness of kids and their parents, I was inspired to write my book – ‘TIME STORY’. While writing the book, I also realised that families were struggling to stay happy at home because of the feeling of time slowing down and boredom kicking in due to travel and other recreational restrictions.

While the experience of this whole new notion of time in 2020 acted as a big trigger for writing this book, the idea of working on this concept had lingered on in my mind ever since my trip to Japan in 2017. I realised how by doing even the simplest things on time, Japanese people were able to work more efficiently. 

Growing up, my father also often used to tell me stories from his visits to Japan to instill the value of time in me. While time management is a challenge at an individual level, valuing others’ time is also a key societal issue, particularly in India. This is why I was so inspired to write this book to inculcate the value of time in kids from an early age. The intent is to also get their families to become more time conscious as kids often emulate their parents’ habits and behaviours. 

Writing all my books in a conversational style between a child – ‘Abdu’ (the main character of all my books) and his parents (mom and dad) helps in involving the entire family in reading together. For Time Story though, I decided to bring in the humour element by writing the book in a comic style and designed activities linked to different concepts, habits and values to make it simpler and fun for kids to absorb the concept. 

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